Call Recorder Apps

10 Best Call Recorder Apps for Android to Help You Capture Important Conversations

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Capturing audio of an important conversation can be very useful. This can be very important when you’re conducting an interview or speaking with clients on the phone. There are many call recorder apps available today to this process easier than ever.

In this article, we’ll discuss some of the top call recorder apps for Android. These will help you capture important conversations with ease and clarity.

Must-Have Features for a Great Call Recorder App

A call recorder app makes it easy to record telephone conversations. However, there are some things you need to look out for in order to make sure it’s adequate for professional use. 

We spent 10 hours in the office researching the best call recorder apps for Android. We want to make sure you have relevant solutions so you can easily record calls. 

Here are some must-have features that should be in any great call recorder app.

An Unlimited Recording Length

When recording calls or interviews, you want to be able to record the entire conversation. It's inconvenient if you’re forced to make shorter recordings due to an app's recording limits. 

An app with unlimited recording time will allow you to record as long as possible. There will not be any file size limits in place.

Cloud Storage

Cloud storage is convenient and accessible from anywhere. The best call recorders use it by default. 

Storing your files on someone else’s servers may add extra security and backup concerns. Make sure the app is able to store your recordings on your own storage space such as Dropbox or Google Drive.

Quality Recording Files

A great call recorder app is one that records your calls in high-quality audio. If you’re going to be using it as evidence of something, then you want it to be easy to hear. 

The best apps are able to filter out background noise and create a recording that sounds clear and full. People on either end of the line should be heard without any trouble. 

You don’t want noise (like static) drowning out your phone calls. Nor do you want your words mumbled or garbled. 

A Clean, Intuitive Interface

When you launch your call recorder app, you’re hoping to get things done quickly. A poorly designed interface can confuse you or discourage you from using the product at all. 

A straightforward layout with icons that are easy to understand is essential. The best apps will let you know exactly where you can find what you’re looking for. 

Questions: Is Recording a Call Legal?

In most areas, you must have the permission of at least one party in the conversation to record a call. Double-check the local laws in your area before using these apps.

Let all parties know they are being recorded. If any party says they do not consent to the recording, you will have to turn the recording off or end the call. Otherwise, the call cannot be legally used for any purpose.

10 Best Call Recorder Apps for Android

#1 Notta

Best for transcribing your phone calls to text


If you’re looking to record calls on your Android device, then look no further than the Notta app. This is a voice-to-text application that can record from both ends of the conversation.

Use Notta to convert calls to text in real-time. You can put your phone on speakerphone and use the Notta app to record and transcribe the call in real-time.

Notta provides high-quality human-like transcription for your meeting, conference call, or event recording. It's a Bot for meetings.

It integrates with Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams to transcribe your meetings. The Notta Bot will join your meeting for you and then transcribe it in real-time.

Notta works on multiple devices at once with multiterminal synchronization. Users can record a call on one device and watch it unfold on a tablet or computer.

When you’re finished recording your call you can translate your transcript. From there, you can edit or move sections of text around to ensure they sound more natural.


  • Free


  • Android 7.0+


  • Transcribe Calls to Text in Real-Time

  • Multiterminal Synchronization

  • Works for phone calls, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom


Notta will transcribe your phone call to text in real-time. You'll have the audio of the call in high quality as well. Notta will even generate transcriptions for individual voices. This allows you to transcribe multiple people at once. 

Record Calls Hands-Free on Your Android

With Notta‘s AI, it can help you automatically record all calls for work or personal needs, a reliable call recorder tool make it easy to archive conversations.


#2 Cube ACR

Best for an automatic call recorder that can record calls on Skype, WhatsApp, etc.

Cube ACR

Cube tried to design its user interface with simplicity in mind. They didn't want people to get lost going through dozens of functions and settings. 

After setting it up, the call recording begins as soon as the call does. Your whole conversation—both sides—is recorded and saved for you to listen back on whenever you want.

It also supports Skype, WhatsApp, Slack, Facebook Messenger, and more. 

The Cube ACR app allows you easily create a list of people that you want to always record when you're on a call with them. This makes it easy to record all of your most important contacts.

Once contacts are selected, recording starts as soon as they answer. It ends once everyone hangs up. The Pro version adds extra features such as password protection and cloud backups.


  • Free to download

  • Pro version for $9.99/year


  • Android 4.4+ can do call recording

  • Requires Android 11+ for recording in Skype, WhatsApp, etc.


  • Record calls from your phone and other apps

  • A Smart Storage system that deletes old recordings

  • Select contacts that will be recorded or not recorded


Like the other apps mentioned here, it's easy to set up and get to recording. The sound quality on the other end of the call may vary. You may want to play with the settings and do a few test calls before using it for something important.

#3 Google Voice

Best for a full-service voicemail app with call recording functionality

Google Voice

Google Voice has been around for several years now, but many people don’t know you can record calls on it. With this service, you can place and receive calls via the internet. It also gives you a visual voicemail solution.

First, you’ll need to make sure the recording option is enabled. You can do that by tapping Menu and then Settings. From there, tap the Record Calls and switch to the On position. 

You can use Google Voice to record conversations you’re having on your cell phone. During a Google Voice call you can record the conversation by pressing 4. When you want to stop recording press 4 again. The other person will be notified the call is being recorded.

You can also use Google Voice to switch phones during a call. If you press * (Star) any phones connected to Google Voice will ring. When you answer the chosen device the other ones will stop ringing. The call will then be transferred to the new device.

Google stores recordings on its servers so you can access them at any time. You can listen and search through your recordings just like you can text messages.


  • Free


  • Android 5.0+


  • Record incoming and outgoing calls

  • Store recordings on the cloud

  • Visual voicemail


Google Voice is one of the least invasive ways to record phone calls. You won't have to grant a bunch of permissions to a 3rd party app. The person on the other side of the phone will be alerted that they are being recorded. Turning the recording on and off is simple and there are tons of features to manage your recordings.

#4 Blackbox

Best for recording calls with older versions of Android


This one is designed with a clean interface (unlike similar apps). Blackbox records both sides of all incoming/outgoing calls with decent quality audio.

Locking your recorder is an easy way to keep others from tampering with your data. You can set a password so no one can access your recordings. 

The call recording history can be automatically backed up and synchronized with Drive. If you change phones or reinstall the app, log in with your account to get your recording history. 

Enjoy unlimited recordings without worrying about storage space. 


  • Free


  • Android 5.1 through 9.0


  • Records both sides of phone calls

  • Upload recordings to Google Drive

  • Unlimited Recording


While you're recording the audio quality is typically pretty good. On some calls, the volume may be low for the other party. It may not be great with certain call types (like conference calls). If you mostly talk one-on-one with customers or co-workers over the phone, it shouldn’t be an issue. 

#5 Automatic Call Recorder

Best for automatically recording calls with options for who should be recorded

Automatic Call Recorder

If you want to remember all your calls and keep records of what was said, this app is a good choice. This app will seamlessly record any conversation you choose to start. It doesn’t matter who you call or who calls you.

Everything gets saved in your phone’s default recorder folder. Automatic Call Recorder works with any Android smartphone running 4.1 and newer.

There's no need to turn record on and off. You never have to worry about forgetting to turn a recorder on for an important call. 

There are three automatic recording settings:

  • Record Everything

  • Ignore everything

  • Ignore contacts


  • Free to download

  • The Pro version adds cloud storage


  • Android 4.1+


  • 3 different recording settings

  • Automatically records calls

  • File Management System


It's free, it has decent audio quality, and you don't need to worry about turning record on and off. You can listen to recorded calls as soon as they're done. Recordings are stored under My Recordings for easy access. 

#6 Phone by Google

Best for easily recording calls and sharing them with others

Phone by Google

Google has added call recording to the Phone app on select Android devices in select areas.  You can set it to be activated by default with calls from unknown numbers. 

Another feature is its ability to record calls from select contacts. You can also manually select individual calls you want to record. 

To find your recordings, go to the Recent tab in the Phone app. If you have more than one saved recording, tap the History to toggle between them. 

You can tap a recording to play it back from within the Phone app. They can also be played back from Google Drive if you sync recordings there. To remove a recording from your phone, long-press on it and hit delete.

After recording a call, you can go into the Phone app to share it. The recordings are sent as audio files. They can be shared with supported apps, such as Gmail or messaging apps. 

Google allows users to decide how long they want their call recordings saved. This is a nice feature for anyone who doesn’t need old conversations cluttering up storage space. 

You can also choose whether or not you want audio files saved on your SD card. That can be useful if you’re worried about storage space running out quickly.


  • Varies


  • Select Phones running Android 9.0+


  • Automatic Call Recording

  • Playback Recordings easily from Recents

  • Share Recordings to the cloud and through email


The feature is exclusive to select phones and carriers. The function has to be built into the phone. You can't just download an update for this feature.

#7 Boldbeast

Best for enabling and disabling recording during a call


This free and easy-to-use app lets you easily record phone calls. It allows you to set a password in order to access recordings as well.

It also can record audio notes, lectures, meetings, and interviews. It will place a record button on your screen at the start of every call. Once you press the button, it will record until you press it again. 

With cloud support, you can backup all your recordings on Dropbox. You can also choose to store them on your phone's hard drive or SD card.

Managing your recordings is important. You can organize your recordings into different sections of the app. You can also favorite the most important ones to put them in a special tab. 

Most recorders have some kind of ad that plays before playback. There are no ads of any kind in this free app.


  • Free


  • Android 5.0+


  • Toggle recording on/off during a call

  • File management for recordings

  • Cloud Storage capability


For the most part, you can just install it and start recording. You have to allow 4 different app permissions in order for it to work. The sound quality is sufficient enough for personal use. Having the record button over the screen during the call can be a little nerve-wracking. You may accidentally hit it with your face while on a call and that may start or stop the recording.

#8 Auto Call Recorder

Best for free cloud storage

Auto Call Recorder

With so many options, it's easy to organize your call records. You can sort by time, arrange by name or arrange by date. 

If you don't want any sorting options to be active when creating your categories, that is possible too. You also have total control over where your audio files are stored as well as how they are organized.

The great thing about an app like this is that you can save recordings and upload them to Google Drive. This means you can access them on any device, no matter where you are or what you’re doing. 

If you’re heading out on vacation, it’s easy to take your entire business record with you. Access it from anywhere in the world. You also don’t have to worry about losing data since everything will be backed up automatically.

It has 5 different recording modes:

  • Record everything 

  • Ignore everything 

  • Ignore contacts 

  • Record only incoming calls 

  • Record only outgoing calls


  • Free


  • Android 4.1+


  • Automatic Call Recording in 5 different modes

  • Upload recordings to Google Drive

  • File management and sorting options


Like some other apps mentioned, the sound quality for the other party suffers a little. It's still good enough for what it does. It's easy to get started with and worth a download.

#9 TapeACall

Best for high-quality audio for recorded calls


One of the best features of TapeACall is that there are no limits to recording time. You never have to worry about stopping before you’re ready. 

Recordings are stored securely on your phone. They can be downloaded onto a computer as well. You can also upload them to Dropbox or Evernote and share them via text or email. 

With TapeACall, you can record all scheduled calls automatically. You can download each recording from your Google Calendar and make notes on what you need to do next. 

The app records both sides of the conversation and stores your recordings in the cloud. They're accessible to you immediately upon completion of the call. 

You can also have a recording playing in the background while performing other tasks. Its interface is easy to use, and it comes with more features than you might expect. 


  • $19.99 per year for first-year / $39.99 per year after

  • 7-day Free Trial


  • Android 7.0+


  • Record Calls in High Quality

  • Play Recordings in the background

  • Cloud Storage to Evernote, Google Drive, Dropbox


A versatile call recording app with tons of features. It doesn't come with a free tier, but you get what you pay for. Great sound quality as well.

#10 Smart Voice Recorder

Best for one of the only voice recorders that can record phone calls

Smart Voice Recorder

With Smart Voice Recorder you can easily record phone calls on your Android device. You'll also keep your personal information completely private and anonymous. 

This is a voice recorder app that can record in the background. You’ll have to start recording on the app then turn your phone call on speakerphone. It will record the conversation with the built-in microphone. Then you can go back to the voice recorder to play the audio.

Recordings from The Smart Voice Recorder app can be saved as .wav files. They are better quality than .mp3 or other compressed formats and allow for a wider dynamic range. 

The recording is kept in an easily accessible folder on your SD card. New recordings will be marked with a timestamp so you know when they occurred. 

Any call can be recorded. All you have to do is hit stop when you don't want it to keep recording. 


  • Free


  • Android 4.1+


  • Record in WAV and adjust the sample rate

  • Record in the background

  • Adjust the gain of recording in case the sound is too low

Verdict: You can record phone calls while you're on speakerphone. It's not supposed to work with phone calls, but there's a way around it. When you install and open the app there will be a message that says you have to allow phone permissions. Hit ok, then yes to allow microphone and manage files. Then hit 'Deny' for access to manage phone calls.

Final Thoughts

Be sure to verify the laws in your area and learn how to record phone calls on Android before using these apps. Using Notta may be the best way to record your phone calls out of all of the apps we mentioned. You won’t have to give all of your phone’s permissions to a third-party app. It only requires access to the microphone. You will also get an accurate transcript of any phone call. That way there will never be any discrepancies about what has been said.

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