Transcribe Bilingual Meetings

Transform your bilingual meetings, live or recorded, into editable and shareable text with ease. Say goodbye to heavy documentation in two languages. Now 10+ languages supported!

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Fully participate in the meeting with Notta

Meeting documentation made simpler

Fully participate in the meeting

Fully participate in the meeting

Transcribe and translate your bilingual meeting accurately with Notta so you can create a truly bilingual environment in your organization. All meeting participants can understand and contribute regardless of their language proficiency.

Save time on taking meeting notes

Save time on taking meeting notes

Spending the entire day recalling and writing down everything from your last meeting? Notta can free you of that need but then supercharge the note-taking with superior real-time translation, searchable content, and automatic speaker labeling—better than any human could achieve.

Easily distribute minutes in both languages

Easily distribute minutes in both languages

Transcripts can be saved and sent in formats like DOCX, PDF, and TXT so everyone can stay informed in their preferred language. Participants can view, comment, and edit the minutes via links or emails, making collaboration seamless and efficient.

How to transcribe a bilingual meeting with Notta

1. Transcribe your meeting

Sign in to your Notta account. Navigate to your dashboard and begin transcribing your meeting. Select two official languages under the “Bilingual transcription” tab.

2. Generate meeting notes

The meeting notes with timestamps will be created automatically. You can review, edit, and let Notta summarize the lengthy transcript into actionable text.

3. Share meeting insights

Easily share & collaborate on meeting recaps with teammates by clicking the Share button. Instantly sync meeting notes to your favorite apps like Slack, Notion, Zapier, and more.

Transcribe your meeting
Generate meeting notes
Share meeting insights
Transcribe your meeting

1. Transcribe your meeting

Sign in to your Notta account. Navigate to your dashboard and begin transcribing your meeting. Select two official languages under the “Bilingual transcription” tab.

Generate meeting notes

2. Generate meeting notes

The meeting notes with timestamps will be created automatically. You can review, edit, and let Notta summarize the lengthy transcript into actionable text.

Share meeting insights

3. Share meeting insights

Easily share & collaborate on meeting recaps with teammates by clicking the Share button. Instantly sync meeting notes to your favorite apps like Slack, Notion, Zapier, and more.


How to conduct a bilingual meeting effectively?

To conduct a bilingual meeting effectively, you may follow the below steps.

  1. Preparation: Ensure all materials and agendas are available in both languages prior to the meeting.

  2. Facilitation: Use a bilingual facilitator or interpreter to bridge communication gaps and ensure clear understanding. You can let Notta record and transcribe the bilingual meetings for automated notes.

  3. Engagement: Encourage participants to ask questions and provide feedback in their preferred language to foster inclusive participation.

How to improve the transcription accuracy in a bilingual meeting?

Here are three tips for improving transcription accuracy in a bilingual meeting:

  • Clear Audio: Ensure high-quality audio equipment is used to capture all speakers clearly, reducing background noise and enhancing speech recognition.

  • Separate Channels: Use separate audio channels for each language to avoid overlap and confusion during transcription.

  • Professional Services: Employ professional transcription services or advanced AI tools like Notta that support multiple languages and can accurately handle code-switching.

Is my meeting data safe with Notta?

Of course. Your data security is the priority of Notta. Notta complies with GDPR and is applying for SOC2 and APPI certifications. You can rest assured that your meeting data is safe with Notta and only available for you and the people you agree to.

Unlock the power of Notta in your next meeting

Record, transcribe, summarize, and share insights from every meeting to empower your team.

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