Psychology Course

10 Best Free Online Psychology Courses With Certificates

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Psychology touches everyone's lives in some way, whether you know it or not. Understanding how it works is paramount if you're pursuing a career in therapy or social work. Knowing how to help those suffering from mental health issues is incredibly valuable. 

These 10 free online psychology courses provide excellent training in this vital subject. They can also lead to valuable certifications that can enhance your resume. Certifications can help you stand out to potential employers in many industries.

Benefits of the psychology certificate

When you earn a psychology certificate, you'll develop critical thinking and decision-making skills. You'll also expose yourself to fascinating information about human behavior. It allows you to make contacts in your community that could be invaluable later on. 

Many universities now offer psychology programs that include a certificate. It's an option for students to gain these advantages without committing to a full degree. Free online courses let you explore psychology before spending money on formal education.

In most cases, you'll learn about abnormal behavior, learning, cognition, and social psychology. Some certificates also cover topics such as cognitive-behavioral therapy or neuropsychology. 

Employment options

You can use your knowledge to work in healthcare, education, or even marketing. You will interest any company that needs someone to provide data analysis. 

If you specialize in one area, you could also look into other jobs related to that field. For example, neuropsychologists often work at universities and hospitals. They check brain activity to determine function after trauma or accident.


Are you interested in helping people but not sure if psychology or education is for you? Besides being able to teach, you may also be eligible for other jobs. Work as a mental health counselor, research assistant, management advisor, writer, or entrepreneur. 

You may decide to be a career counselor or human resources director. This certificate can also be a stepping stone to graduate school in psychology. 

You may choose to continue your education at an accredited institution. Your course may be a precursor to a master's or doctoral degree in clinical psychology.

Unique networking opportunities

A psychology certificate can help you network with others who may become clients. If you are open about your studies, more people will likely want to know and work with you. 

The psychology profession offers opportunities to meet with top experts in your field. You'll rub shoulders with leading educators and industry leaders. 

The opportunities from this will ensure you build both personal and professional networks.

Study from the comfort of your home

We'll discuss courses below that allow you to study psychology at home for free. The free study lessons in the courses below are for adults who don't need someone to tell them when to go to class. 

They'll allow you to learn at your own pace and schedule. For some, traditional college isn't an option. A psychology certificate from an accredited school can offer similar benefits to colleges. You'll gain marketable skills and hands-on learning experiences. 

Facts to consider when choosing online psychology courses

There are plenty of reasons to take an online psychology class. You can do it on your own time and usually for free. Here are five factors to consider when searching for online psychology courses.

How long does it take to complete?

Many people who learn psychology online take courses part-time or at a slow pace. If you plan on taking your course slowly, look for something that gives you several months to complete. 

Or, if you need courses you can complete within a month, make sure they are available before enrolling. Many schools offer fast-track programs. Students in these programs can finish an entire semester's worth of work in one month.

Does an accredited institution offer it?

Consider whether an accredited institution offers your psychology program. Accreditation is a way for institutions to show their commitment to quality education. It also has benchmarks for student outcomes and transparency within its programs. 

Accredited courses offer students a higher level of protection with transfers. It's vital if you want to transfer credits from your certificate to a university. 

How much does it cost?

You want to ensure that any course you take online will fit your budget. Otherwise, any online psychology courses you take will not be practical for you. Ensure that money isn't a roadblock preventing you from furthering your education. 

Can I get job assistance after my completion?

Many courses offer job assistance, but it is vital that you are aware of precisely what they offer. Some systems provide support from teachers and networking, but there are no guarantees. 

Ensure you know what support they offer in your course before signing up. Don't get stuck with a financial burden if your chosen course cannot provide you with enough help.

Are you able to transfer credits to another school?

If you decide to switch schools, your new institution must accept your credits. Understand which classes will transfer and what requirements apply. 

And don't forget about accreditation! Please pay attention to whether your home school recognizes its accreditation. 

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10 best free online psychology courses

It pays to find free online courses if you’re looking to further your psychology knowledge. Luckily, there are several free online psychology courses for beginners from top universities. 

You might have to put in some extra work studying the material on your own. Still, the system will provide study materials and exercises for you. 

Of course, we all like a challenge, so don’t shy away from online classes that take more time and energy. The certificates you get at the end are worth it.

#1) Introduction to Social Psychology - The University of Queensland

Social psychology investigates the influence of others on people's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. It also covers how they influence others. 

You will learn how interactions can give rise to dramatic and surprising effects. These effects often contradict intuitive expectations about how people behave. 

There are three critical areas in social psychology that you need to understand:

  • How we influence each other

  • How we process information and make decisions

  • How our attitudes help us navigate our social world 

One way we can affect each other is through persuasion. Persuasion is a form of social influence. It occurs when one person influences another to change their attitudes or behaviors. 

It's important to note that persuasion isn't just about changing opinions. It also involves getting people to act in specific ways. Some common tactics used by persuaders include:

  • Influencing emotions

  • Getting people to pay attention

  • Enhancing credibility or authority

Course Price: Free

Certificate: $199

Course Length: 7 weeks

Skills Gained:

  • Understanding how humans influence each other

  • Harm analysis

  • Ability to neutralize prejudice and stereotypes

#2) Introduction to Psychology - Yale

You don't need to shell out thousands of dollars to get an Ivy League education anymore. All you need is a computer and Internet connection, which you already have! 

In this course, you'll look at how culture influences human behavior. You'll also dive into mental processes like memory and thinking. They designed this course for students with no prior background in psychology. You don't need any prerequisite courses to take it.

Students may access video lectures online anytime. The course features a series of weekly readings and quizzes. These activities will test your understanding of what you've learned.

The Freud era was about social learning theory, cognition, and emotion research. It developed much of modern psychology. 

Later theories such as cognitive therapy and behaviorism took things a step further. They are still in use today.

Course Price: Free

Certificate: $49

Course Length: 6 weeks

Skills Gained:

  • Abstract Thinking

  • Analytical Thinking

  • Reasoning

#3) What is a Mind? - University of Cape Town

Psychologists and neuroscientists are experts on the mind. Many times they fundamentally disagree about what they're studying. 

This course will explore the fundamental differences between these ways of thinking. Then you'll examine how and why they arose. 

Examine how the conflict between them has shaped modern science. You'll approach topics like imagination, willpower, consciousness, and emotion. Then you'll examine them through the lens of neuroscience and cognitive psychology. 

Finally, you'll challenge traditional assumptions about who we are as human beings.

You'll be able to identify four components of the mind:  

  • Subjectivity 

  • Intentionality 

  • Consciousness

  • Agency 

Each aspect uses different methods to explore and define how they may relate to one another. One way to make sense of these diverse ways of understanding things is by looking at their nature. Determine how each can explain why we think and behave as we do. 

Course Price: Free

Certificate: $59

Course Length: 6 weeks

Skills Gained:

  • Identify and analyze the four components of the mind.

  • Objective knowledge of what the mind is.

  • Identify the difference and connections between thought and emotion.

#4) Fundamentals of Psychology - Doane University

This course examines how humans perceive, feel, and behave from a systematic perspective. You will learn to observe and quantify what occurs in the human experience. 

As a foundational psychology class, you'll explore many psychological research and discovery aspects. You must also apply what you learn by creating your experiment or project. 

You use psychology concepts to design and conduct an investigation. It utilizes data collection, data analysis, interpretation of results, and hypothesis testing. 

Perform research scientifically and critically analyze other studies and experiments. Use this course to develop skills highly sought after by employers today.

Course Price: Free

Certificate: $99

Course Length: 8 weeks

Skills Gained:

  • Psychological Research

  • Data Analysis

  • Identify Psychological Applications

#5) Psychology of Personal Growth - Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

This free online course focuses on psychology, human behavior, and much more. HKU designed it to prepare you for personal growth inside and outside school. 

Students will learn how to grow by exposing themselves to new experiences. The module will help you identify critical factors influencing your personal growth. It will provide self-awareness, critical thinking, communication, and leadership development skills.

Challenge yourself through different opportunities offered throughout your life journey. You can achieve your full potential while increasing your happiness.

This course will help you change and grow personally. It will give you greater insight into your personality and emotions and why people act and think as they do. 

Course Price: Free

Certificate: $50

Course Length: 6 weeks

Skills Gained:

  • Create an intentional plan for personal growth

  • Analyze culture to identify how people define themselves

  • Critically analyze intimate relationship dynamics

#6) Psychological First AId - John Hopkins University

You have to respond fast in a stressful situation, as with trauma and other emergencies. Professionals use RAPID to identify needs and prioritize interventions to best support survivors. 

In this course, you'll learn how to apply the RAPID method. The process of RAPID is simple: 

  • Reflective listening

  • Assessment of needs

  • Prioritization

  • Intervention

  • Disposition

You can apply Psychological First Aid by taking a step back. Reflect on your initial thoughts about why someone might be in distress or need help. 

You'll also assess potential trauma exposure. Then you can prioritize those needs and refer them to professionals if necessary. 

Use Psychological First Aid as a starting point for building rapport with survivors. You can then learn more about what they need and refer them to professional help if needed.

This course includes case studies across settings where people may be at risk for trauma. You'll also see studies of patients experiencing challenges related to trauma, such as:  

  • Disasters 

  • Mass violence

  • Interpersonal Violence

  • Abuse 

  • Natural Disasters 

  • Life-threatening Medical Emergencies 

  • Human Trafficking 

  • Accidents

  • Other traumatic events

Course Price: Free

Certificate: $49

Course Length: 6 weeks

Skills Gained:

  • Learn how to apply the RAPID method

  • Differentiate levels of trauma in a patient

  • Recognize when to escalate the level of care for a patient

#7) The Science of Well-Being - Yale

Learning about well-being is essential to our health, productivity, and longevity. So what exactly is well-being? And how can you achieve it in your own life? 

This free online course from Yale answers both questions with informative lectures. Learn everything from how to reduce stress to the science behind mindfulness meditation. It also expands on why love and connection are so crucial to happiness. 

You'll learn to build happiness and productive habits through various challenges. There are nine lessons with challenges to establish new patterns in your daily life. 

They designed completion to be within ten weeks. You don't need any unique experience or qualifications. Just an interest in making yourself happier! 

Course Price: Free

Certificate: $49

Course Length: 10 weeks

Skills Gained:

  • Effectively practice mindfulness

  • Savor simple moments to practice gratitude

  • Practical ways to become happier

#8) Positive Psychology - The University of North Carolina

Positive Psychology studies what makes people thrive and live meaningful lives. Positive psychology emphasizes your strengths rather than your weaknesses. 

It helps you discover a sense of meaning and purpose in life. You'll also develop effective habits and reach new levels of well-being. 

UNC brought this positive psychology course online for all interested students worldwide. It's available through Coursera to engage a broader audience in this revolutionary field.

It's a free program that introduces essential research findings in positive psychology. You will explore how to lead a whole and meaningful life. 

Also, get tips on achieving personal goals, leading meaningful relationships, and emotional well-being. 

Course Price: Free

Certificate: $49

Course Length: 6 weeks

Skills Gained:

  • Meditation techniques to help your well-being

  • Methods to Practice Positive Psychology

  • Analysis and application of Kindness

#9) Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics - University of Minnesota

This course will cover a range of methodologies from twin and adoption studies. It will also look at DNA analysis from a behavioral genetic perspective. The system includes instructor-led videos, discussion boards, homework, and an exam. 

One of my favorite topics is twin studies. They are decisive for determining variation in behavior due to genes versus environment. 

View research where twins separated at birth and grew up in different environments. They still turned out similar in terms of their personality traits or behaviors. Other parents even raised them. 

Similarities like these between twins raised apart tell us essential facts. Genetics is more influential than the environment in some aspects of our personalities.

Course Price: Free

Certificate: $49

Course Length: 8 weeks

Skills Gained:

  • Analyze how genetics affect behavior

  • Understand how the Psychology of twins can be intertwined even when separated

  • Behavioral Medicine Techniques

#10) The Psychology of Criminal Justice - University of Queensland

Criminology explores the roots and repercussions of criminal behavior. Criminology is full of fascinating topics and connections to other fields of study. You'll learn that in this online psychology course from the University of Queensland. 

This course dives into how criminology can help you understand society.

Explore the principles of the justice system from a psychological perspective. Discuss how you can apply psychology to all aspects of criminal justice.

Learn about police procedures, prosecution and defense strategies, sentencing, corrections, and rehabilitation.

The criminal justice system is more complex than most realize. Understanding how different parts of the system fit together can be challenging. 

People may blame or manipulate the system for personal or professional gain.

Dispell common myths about how the criminal justice system works. Start having more informed conversations about these critical issues by taking this course.

Course Price: Free

Certificate: $199

Course Length: 8 weeks

Skills Gained:

  • Break down some of the most common misconceptions about the criminal justice system

  • Improve the system using empirical evidence

  • Understand how law professionals administer justice


These courses should keep you busy for the next year or so. Ensure you get a transcript of your classes, so they're easier to take notes on. 

To obtain transcripts of your courses, you can use Notta. Notta is a voice-to-text application that will transcribe your online classes to text. You can save a ton of time by highlighting key points in the lectures to go over later.

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