Notta Web Update V2.9.0

Notta Web Update V2.9.0

February 18, 2022

Notta Web 2.9.0 has been released. Several new features will be introduced to improve the service. Let's try it now.‍


  • Optimized editing function: Can be played / corrected from the click

  • Notta Bot Optimization: Improved Web Conferencing Appointment

  • Optimize tab display: You can check the page overview directly on the tab

Optimized editing function: Can be played / corrected from the clicked location

Thanks for feedback from our users, we have optimized the editing function for better user experiencece.

You can jump to specific sections by clicking the text content you want to play or modify.

Optimized editing function: Can be played / corrected from the clicked location

Notta Bot Optimization: Improved Web Conferencing Appointment

We have upgraded the "Web Conferencing Schedule" page to make it easier to understand the status of web conference reservations and transcriptions.

You can now check the time of the web conference and the status of Notta Bot on this page.

Optimize tab display: You can check the page overview directly on the tab

Optimized tab display for quick access to information on a wide range of tabs. The contents of the tab are now displayed as a summary of the information on the page.

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